
Find answers to Frequently Asked Questions.

1. What is HotKey and how does it work?

HotKeySwap is a decentralized exchange (DEX) mini-app integrated within Telegram. It allows users to trade cryptocurrencies directly through the Telegram app. Our platform uses smart contract technology to facilitate secure and decentralized trades without the need for intermediaries.

2. How do I start trading on HotKey?

First, you need to have Telegram installed. Then, find and start the HotKey app within Telegram. Once opened, you can connect your cryptocurrency wallet to the app and start trading. Or, you can use HotKey web app dex.

3. Do I need to share my private keys?

No, you do not need to share your private keys. Our Telegram Dex and Web DEX are designed to ensure your private keys remain secure with you at all times.

4. Is trading on HotKey secure?

Yes, security is a top priority. Trades are executed using smart contracts, and since you don't share your private keys, your assets and identity remain secure.

5. What fees are associated with trading?

We charge a minimal fee of 1% for each transaction to cover network costs. The fee structure is transparent and listed on our website/app.

6. Can I trade any cryptocurrency on HotKey?

Our platform supports a wide range of cryptocurrencies. All available currencies on any DEX will be tradable on HotKey.

7. What makes HotKey unique compared to other DEX platforms?

HotKey distinguishes itself through its integration with Telegram, offering a user-friendly trading experience within a familiar messaging environment. The incorporation of Bittensor's decentralized AI capabilities, coupled with multi-network support and innovative staking rewards, positions HotKey as a pioneering force in the DeFi and AI convergence.

8. How does HotKey differ from other DEXs like Banana or Maestro?

HotKeySwap stands out from other decentralized exchanges (DEXs) like Banana or Maestro primarily due to its enhanced security and user-friendly interface. The key differences are:

  • Enhanced Security: Unlike some others, HotKeySwap does not require users to share their private keys at any point. This approach significantly increases the security of your assets, as the private keys - which are the ultimate access to your cryptocurrencies - remain solely in your control.

  • More Intuitive User Interface (UI): We have designed HotKeySwap with a focus on simplicity and ease of use. Our platform features a more intuitive UI, making it accessible even for users who are new to cryptocurrency trading. This streamlined experience helps in reducing the learning curve associated with DEX trading.

9. Are there any geographical restrictions for using HotKey?

Our services are available globally, but we advise users to check and comply with their local laws and regulations regarding cryptocurrency trading.

10. How can I get support if I encounter issues?

We offer support through our Telegram group. Our team is ready to assist you with any queries or issues.

Referring new users to HotKeySwap is simple. Open the HotKey app on Telegram or the Web DEX, go to the referral menu, and copy your unique referral link. The key aspect is that your referrals need to use your referral link just once for their first trade on HotKeySwap. Afterward, you'll automatically receive your referral rewards for every trade they make, even if they don't use your link for future trades, and this applies to all networks. Youโ€™ll earn 30% of the trading fees for a lifetime.

12. How do I receive referral rewards on HotKey, and is there a process to claim them?

On HotKey, receiving referral rewards is a seamless process. They are automatically airdropped to your wallet, eliminating the need for manual claims or additional steps. This ensures a hassle-free experience in accessing your rewards. To monitor your rewards and trading statistics, check out the dedicated dashboard in the HotKey app.

13. What are the benefits of staking HotKey tokens?

Stakers of HotKey tokens enjoy multiple benefits, including diversified income streams from transaction fees and $wTAO rewards, participation in governance, and access to exclusive features within the HotKeySwap ecosystem. Staking also contributes to the platform's security and development.

14. How does HotKeySwap use the Bittensor network?

HotKeySwap operates its own subnet within the Bittensor network, contributing to and benefiting from the decentralized AI capabilities. This integration provides users with advanced AI-enhanced trading tools and analytics, enriching the DeFi ecosystem with intelligent insights.

15. What is the BTS-20 standard, and how does it relate to HotKey?

The BTS-20 standard is an adaptation of the ERC-20 token standard, tailored for the Bittensor network. It facilitates token deployment, swapping, and bridging within the HotKey ecosystem, utilizing TAO as gas. This standard ensures seamless interaction with EVM-compatible platforms and introduces AI functionalities to DeFi applications.

16. What AI-driven products does HotKey offer?

HotKey plans to launch a variety of AI-powered DeFi products, including text bots, image and video AI, custom model training services, and chart analytics. These products leverage the computational power of Bittensor miners to provide users with intelligent and responsive financial tools.

Last updated